What do the Invoice Statuses in Liquid mean?

The invoices dashboard includes a listing of all invoices for which you have access. You can click on an individual invoice to view additional details and take action on the invoice.

Invoice statuses from the Client point of view includes:

  • Ready to Pay: This will be shown when your Invoice is ready for your payment. If you have invoice processing or approvals turned on (Settings —> Approvals), this will appear when the Invoice is fully approved and has been sent to the Invoice Payer. If you do not have Invoice processing or approvals turned on, this will be shown as soon as you receive the Invoice.
  • Rejected: This will be shown when you have rejected the Invoice and sent it back to your Vendor. (Note that rejecting an Invoice triggers a credit memo to reverse A/P.) You will always be able to view these Rejected Invoices. If your Vendor sends you a revised Invoice, the revised Invoice will appear as a new Invoice. This new revised Invoice will reference the original Rejected Invoice.
  • Rejected by Vendor: This will be shown if your Vendor cancels an invoice or rejects an Invoice.
  • Needs Processor Review: This will be shown upon receipt of the Invoice if you have turned on Invoice processing until your designated Invoice Processor is finished reviewing it.
  • In Approvals with me: This will be shown if the Invoice is waiting for your Approval, and is not yet fully approved and ready for payment (Ready to Pay).
  • In Approvals with others: This will be shown if the Invoice has been sent by your designated Invoice Processor to an Invoice Approver, and is not yet fully approved and ready for payment (Ready to Pay).
  • Pending Information: This will be shown when you have initiated payment for a Vendor that has not added their bank account.
  • Payment Scheduled: This will be shown when you have scheduled a payment to be sent to your Vendor’s bank account (Payment Complete).
  • Payment Initiated: This will be shown once you have initiated a payment but before it has reached your Vendor’s bank account (Payment Complete).
  • Payment Failure: This will be shown in the unlikely event that there was an issue with the payment, whether it was an issue with debiting your account or crediting your Vendor’s account.
  • Payment Complete: This will be shown once the payment has arrived in the Vendor’s bank account.
  • Paid Outside of Liquid: If you have paid the Invoice outside of Liquid, you can manually change the Invoice state to Paid Outside of Liquid. This is the only manual Invoice state change. When Clients manually mark an Invoice as paid, this changes the status for the Vendor; however when Vendors manually mark an Invoice as paid, that only changes the status for the Vendor. Note that 1099 data will include payments you’ve made on Liquid as well as payments you’ve manually marked as paid in Liquid.

Note that invoice processing or approvals must be turned on (Settings —> Approvals) in order to use the invoice approval functionality in Liquid. If you don’t have access to these settings, the administrator and finance roles for your company’s Liquid account can make modifications.