What is a Hiring Manager in Liquid?

User role of Hiring Manager

Users in Liquid can be granted the user role Hiring Manager. This user role allows users to invite Vendors, create, accept, and manage Work Orders and, if they are an Approver, view and Accept Invoices.

Hiring Manager Assignment in Liquid

In addition, users with roles Hiring Manager, Admin, General Counsel, or Contract Signer can be assigned as the Hiring Manager at the Vendor and Work Order levels.

In Liquid, you can set a Hiring Manager for each Vendor. That Hiring Manager is then the default Hiring Manager for all Work Orders with that specific Vendor.

Users who have been assigned as a Hiring Manager for Vendors or Work Orders who have user role Hiring Manager (as opposed to Admin or GC role) have permission to view only the Vendors, Work Orders, and Invoices that are related to them. However, if a Hiring Manager has been added as an approver on an Invoice where they are not a Hiring Manager, they will still be able to see that Invoice and reject or approve that Invoice.